Monday, August 13, 2007

Shades of the World

Do I have the time to see
The Falling red leaves
ready to be gathered
The boy with his broken toy
Who wished to be heard
The cascading blue river
Where peacefully sang a bird
Can I hear amidst all this
The unsaid word?

Do I have the time to enjoy
The snow-clad mountains
With white clouds on their brow
The curved trail in the woods
Alive with fresh snow
The green spreadseet and canopies
Where the cool breezes blow
Can I feel God's creation,
Nature's splendid show?

Do I have the time to understand
The agony of the woman
Who has no food for her child
The pain of the honest man
When sentenced, who smiled
And the misery of the millionaire
Who is restless with troubles so mild
Can I see the shades of the world
So true, yet so beguiled!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Far away, there was a place. A place of promise! A life that assured joy, contentment and wealth… The people were happy, occupied and hard-working. They understood the meaning of commitment and lived up to their word. They fulfilled promises they made to others because they wanted to keep friends. They were fast-paced and left no stone unturned for success.

Success! It meant a lot to them. It meant everything. It meant money. Then one day, it started to mean more money. And more! All they ever did now was for some more money.
Only some of these people knew what the money was for. The rest didn’t know and didn’t care to know. They thought that if they stopped to care, they would lose out on time to earn.

The others knew, however. They knew that the money was for a lavish life with all facilities to make them comfortable...

It was for an extra piece of their favourite cake which they would never have time to relish. It was for a vacation with their children who hardly would ever get time for a heart-to-heart conversation with them, leave alone a vacation. It was to buy the best diamond present for their wives, who wanted their love more than the jewels. It was for getting their husbands their favourite BMWs, who would forever hope to stroll down the road hand in hand with their wives some day to have an ice-cream together. It was to re-live their childhood memories in their country-houses and villages where they would never be able to go because their cash-minting jobs required them to show their commitment (towards money?). It was to pay off the mortgage of their large, new house that longed to hear laughter and see caring smiles and feel the love and trust among its inhabitants.

They were earning all that money for the ultimate happiness that they had thought they would find in their wealth and luxury, but it was too late before they found out that was far from the truth. If they wanted, they could still get a hold of themselves and think. They needed to act really fast because their ability to think clearly was being fast shadowed over by materialistic and financial issues. In every situation that sprang up, they first thought about their own gain and personal comfort. Something certainly needed a change.

It shouldn’t be hard to figure out, because the place is our own world and the people are we!

Friday, July 06, 2007


What is satisfaction

To be able to sleep cozy and well,
Even when things are going all pell-mell,
To be able to say “time will tell”,
Although the day ahead seems like a job from hell ,
To count my blessings and never to rebel,
If boggling things want me to yell,
To be able to curl up and smile in my shell

Who decides my level of satisfaction

I and I alone have a right
To decide the peace of my day and my night
Others want to take over and guide my sight
But when life drives endurance to its height
They’re there alright, only to watch my plight
I'm learning to hold on to myself tight
It’s my own journey, my soul’s personal flight!

This life is not for complaint, but for satisfaction.

- Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Accolades to teachers,
they’ve never had trouble choosing
The sacrificing disposition to light the way for others;
A great role they have performed
indeed, in producing
Worthy intellectuals, outstanding friends,

fine mothers;

Kindling the unknown glory within the soul
Finding ways to make us successful and at peace;
This and much more, teachers endeavour
to do on the whole
Preparing us to face the rough storms with ease;

The Creator created us all potentially complete
In our own little ways we were meant to contribute;
Then inspired some to be teachers and set their feet
In the direction of “giving”; about “taking”
they didn’t give a hoot;

Leading from ignorance to knowledge,
from darkness to light
Teachers have performed wonders with minds;
Thanks to them, the world has reached
an unfathomable height
Greatly noble are these people, one of the kindest kinds;

I was taught numbers, alphabets and sounds
They taught me literature, biotechnology and math;
But more than that my teachers
taught me what counts
On the long-winding road,
on life’s most meaningful path.

Thank you God for inspiring me to be a teacher!

- Nivedita

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I have always believed that all students can learn. Despite their differences! As educators, we need to enable each child to succeed.

The way a child, or any individual for that matter, learns, depends on their genetic make-up, their upbringing, their past experiences and their physiology. The way my brain operates is probably very different from the way yours does because I have perhaps been exposed to an entirely different set of factors than you. The nerve connections that have been established in my body depend a lot on the way I use them and perhaps to some extent, on what I inherited.

How we use the brain is actually more important than what we use it for, because that is what establishes the neural connections which become a part of us forever. A lot of our decisions and actions are based on those nerve networks. The manifestation is the emergence of our abilities, strengths and talents as also our weaknesses - all of these commonly referred to as multiple intelligences. It leads to phrases like “a natural gift” and “not my cup of tea”.

Why this knowledge is important for teachers is because it helps them reach out to a child who has “a natural gift” for aliens by giving her experiences related to her interest – whether it be writing journal entries on that, reading fiction and non-fiction texts about it or even customizing word problems in Math to include mention about aliens.

Similarly, those who think silent reading in their chairs is “not their cup of tea” could be given a chance to fidget with a sponge ball while reading or sit around in the carpet area to read to provide for a more facile bodily movement during that time.

It’s all about opening the gates of opportunities for each child so that no matter how he learns, he is able to find a hook in those opportunities that make him a success in life.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Teachers' Magic Wand

Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself

– goes a Chinese proverb.

Is it possible to be an effective teacher in practicality without compromising on the standards of teaching? The answer is a resounding Yes!

As teachers, if we could base our teaching strategies around the standards and principles of teaching, we have hit the nail right on the head. Here are some of the things I learnt and would like to share for the benefit of ready-to-start teachers:

"Give me everything": There has to be a balance between time spent in actual teaching and the time required to be given in assimilating the taught matter. Talking of balance, it is also important that all aspects of a program be included in the time allotted to it. For example, a literacy program needs to include reading, writing, speaking and listening and work around modeling of these components by the teacher, guided work, shared work and finally, independent work.

"Tell me again": Students won’t remember if you don’t remind them. Tucking their chairs in, putting away their books in the right place, not to interrupt when two people are talking – these are some of the things that the students need to be told constantly.

"I see you": I was reading the book Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul the other day and was particularly struck by the following paragraph:
A mother once asked Gandhi to get her son to stop eating sugar. Gandhi told the child to come back in two weeks. Two weeks later the mother brought the child before Gandhi. Gandhi said to the boy, “Stop eating sugar.” Puzzled, the woman replied, “Thank you, but I must ask why you didn’t tell him that two weeks ago.” Gandhi replied, “Two weeks ago I was eating sugar.”
Teacher is the model that the students have. Modeling behaviour, modeling language, modeling activities and even modeling attitude – all this is the teacher’s work.

"We are different": Students have different needs. In a Math program, for instance, one might not even be able to count up properly while the other might be done with 25 sums of ‘subtraction by borrowing’. Manipulatives need to be handy for the former while peer tutoring opportunity should be available to the latter. The lesson taught has to be customized to benefit every single child in the classroom.

"Put us together": Mixed-ability groups have to be created so that students can teach and learn together. Not only does this provide wholesome learning experiences, but also helps in better classroom management.

"Best step forward": Opportunities have to be provided to all students to come forward by creating situations that enable all of them to participate individually or in groups. Students who perform better than others should be encouraged even more and those who are not able to really come up should be motivated. Extra time can also be devoted to them during the independent working time.

"Let's remember": Rules have to be created and applied firmly. The things that a particular classroom needs in specific can be implemented throught rules that are created by every memeber of the classroom community which should be put up in a visible place in the classroom. Review the rules as a whole group in a suitable frequency.

"Cast the spell": The magic of education lies not simply in curriculum teaching but in actual transformation. How you bring about that transformation is entirely a personal perspective. Every teacher can develop his or her own methods with the course of time which best suit his/her own personality and based on the specific classroom dynamics.

Remember, when you walk into the classroom, you mean the world to someone!